I went back to the grocery store to show you 10 foods that will keep you healthy and strong this fall and winter season! It’s all about eating foods that will boost your immune system and foster your gut bacteria. 80% of your immune systems cells are located in the guy, it’s in your best interest to help them flourish. Spoiler alert, sugar destroys gut bacteria, in addition to my other negative side effects that we know about. Bone broth is a must this cold and flu season, but make your own, it;s so easy and way cheaper. Think about eating foods that are fermented and loaded with live and active cultures, and probiotic bacteria that your gut needs. Mad love Bobby…Dessi…and Art! XOXO
Redmond Real Salt Promo(Try the toothpaste, incredible stuff):
Order our new keto cookbook: https://amzn.to/2TOHWJL
Ghee recipe: https://www.flavcity.com/clarified-butter/
Immune tea recipe: https://www.flavcity.com/immune-boosting-tea/
Fermented cod liver oil w/o natural flavors!:
Cinnamon: https://amzn.to/35tVgJR
Mint: https://amzn.to/35oYaQ9
Four videos every week! Two from the grocery store on the weekends and two cooking videos, including a live stream, during the week!
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